Friday, June 20, 2008


You will see everything that you expect to see, but everything might not appear as you expected it. The less preconceptions about what you will see, the more you will see. You mold your world with what you conceive and your world molds you with what you perceive. Preconceptions which are given to you from sources outside of your own cognitive processes can act as tints do on your vision, blocking certain wavelengths of color so that they don't offend your eye.

Concepts that you hold to be true in your mind are like tools that you hold in your hand, crafting the materials that you create. Biased preconception that are handed to you that you choose to hold will hinder your hands from crafting your own ideas, acting as burdens hung around your wrists, slowing you down and inhibiting you from experiencing the world in balance. When we work within the balance of nature and within the balance of human emotions, we can live sustainably, if that is what we each expect to see.

As you are constantly thinking of what to expect next, your brain is processing, creating new information to prepare you for how to react. Preconceptions generated in this preparatory process can be useful and act as a shield would in combat, but once a peaceful situation is reached, the shields can be put down. Old preconceptions that have been held onto for too long become obsolete as the conditions in which they were created change. Flexibility and recyclibility become virtues in the concepts that we hold.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Momentary Living

Waiting for the time to arrive
The moment when you feel alive
Like lightning bolts shooting from your eyes
And lighting up the cloudy skies

In dreams you see the brilliant flash
But wake up in a pile of trash
Knowing that there must be more
But unaware of the current score

Unaware, so again you wait
Unsure if you're early or late
Knowing only that when it comes
Warmth like basking in the sun
Melting away the layers of shivers
When the message is delivered